Genesis + Ajax + Jquery | Failling to call action

If you are clicking the “submit” button in your form (which I am assuming); it will submit the form performing the default method GET where no method is specified.

You need to ensure that you prevent the default submit action.

In your JavaScript; you are listening for a change event on the entire form, instead you should bind to the submit button.


    jQuery('#ticket').on('click', '#submit', function(event){  

        //prevent the default submit action of the form...

        //issue ajax request
            type: "POST",
            url : userlogin_object.ajaxurl,
            data : {
                'action': 'post_love_add_love',
                'whatever': userlogin_object.the_issue_key
            success: function(response) {
                //process success response
                alert('Got this from the server: ' + response);
                jQuery("#form-messages2").html("TEST REQUEST");



If you really must listen for change events; target the field that receives input, in your case it is one field only name="TKT_qty_new":


    jQuery('#ticket').on('keyup click', 'input[name="submit"], input[name="TKT_qty_new"]', function(event){  

        //prevent the default submit action of the form...

        if ( event.type === 'click' && !== 'submit' ) {
            return false;



    function doAjaxRequest() {

        //issue ajax request
            type: "POST",
            url : userlogin_object.ajaxurl,
            data : {
                'action': 'post_love_add_love',
                'whatever': userlogin_object.the_issue_key
            success: function(response) {
                //process success response
                alert('Got this from the server: ' + response);
                jQuery("#form-messages2").html("TEST REQUEST");

