How to display html code normally?

You have in the main editor, 2 modes: visual tab Text tab I think you have published your post (or page) under “Text” mode. What you have to do is to cut all the html code in “Text” mode tab. Then you have to set the editor in “Visual” mode tab, and to paste your … Read more

Why wordpress can’t display the bash command properly?

When a post gets published, it runs the_content() through a filter to strip out unsafe HTML. It looks like the parser thinks <people.txt is malformed HTML and strips it out. Change < to &lt;, which is the HTML entity for <, and you should be able to publish the post and view it properly on … Read more

Query WordPress Database and Post HTML Table

$html= “<table>”; foreach($result as $r){ $html .=”<tr>”; $html .=”<td>”.$r->post_title.”</td>”; $html .=”<td><a href=””.get_the_permalink($r->ID)””>”.$r->post_title.”</a></td>”; $html .=”</tr>”; } $html .=”</table>”; echo $html; To avoid the depreacated usage of PHP code snippets you can wrap it in a shortcode and use anywhere in a page/post content editor function Stack_308511_post_grid( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( ‘limit’ => 10, … Read more

allow html characters on eshop data entry boxes

Reading a little… (cause that is the problem, we don’t read) I found the solution for my problem, “htmlspecialchars_decode” function would do the trick, now I wonder how to close or erase a post in here ^^. <?php if (isset($eshop_product[‘details’])) echo htmlspecialchars_decode($eshop_product[‘details’]); ?>

Language selection for blog doesn’t exist?

Well, thanks to a suggestion from one of my mates I resolved the more critical problem (2) of the Hebrew text displaying in gibberish. All I needed to do was to re-encode the files as UTF-8 without BOM (they were encoded as UTF-8 (plain)). I re-uploaded these files to the server and Voila, everything was … Read more
