How to know if a given string is substring from another string in Java
There is a contains() method! It was introduced in Java 1.5. If you are using an earlier version, then it’s easy to replace it with this:
There is a contains() method! It was introduced in Java 1.5. If you are using an earlier version, then it’s easy to replace it with this:
I am trying to create a message with a Yes or No button. Then a window will appear with a certain message that depends on if the user clicked Yes or No. Here is my code: Right now it prints HELLO whether or not you press Yes or No. How do I get it to … Read more
You can find all the details here: IDEA-170117 “objc: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both …” warning in Run consoles It’s the old bug in Java on Mac that got triggered by the Java Agent being used by the IDE when starting the app. This message is harmless and is safe to ignore. Oracle developer’s … Read more
My guess is you miss the JRE Runtime Library in your project. But this would cause all the java.* classes to generate this message! Can you post your code so we can see what might be the problem? try doing : right-click on your project. ->properites ->java Build Path ->tab Librairies check if the JRE … Read more
1 requirement: design a class named allergy that provides information about the allergy of a patient. e.g. who reported the allergy(patient/doctor/relative), different symptoms of the allergy that are detected, severity, method that returns when was that allergy detected in that patient. I am thinking of something like this: Is this a good design of the … Read more
1. If that class from which you want to call this method, is in the same package, then create an instance of this class and call the method. 2. Use Composition 3. It would be better to have a Generic ArrayList like ArrayList<Integer> etc… eg:
What do you mean by “the count”? The number of elements with a non-zero value? You’d just have to count them. There’s no distinction between that array and one which has explicitly been set with zero values. For example, these arrays are indistinguishable: Arrays in Java always have a fixed size – accessed via the length field. There’s no concept of … Read more
There is an inbuilt method to convert a JSONObject to a String. Why don’t you use that:
Don’t know how it worked and why it worked? 🙁 but it worked
tl;dr How to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date? Don’t. Both Date classes are outmoded. Sun, Oracle, and the JCP community gave up on those legacy date-time classes years ago with the unanimous adoption of JSR 310 defining the java.time classes. Use java.time classes instead of legacy java.util.Date & java.sql.Date with JDBC 4.2 or later. Convert to/from java.time if inter-operating with code not yet updated to java.time. Legacy Modern Conversion java.util.Date java.time.Instant java.util.Date.toInstant()java.util.Date.from( … Read more