Icon not shown in Dropdown menus in Twenty Seventeen Theme

It’s not images, its fontawesome icons, and the fontawesome library is not being called. so you can add the below code to your theme functions.php add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_load_fa’ ); function enqueue_load_fa() { wp_enqueue_style( ‘load-fa’, ‘https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css’ ); } thats how the current icons for the menus will be showing.

Footer navigation menu

you can add new menu from WordPress admin on this https://de.ferberg.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=0 and then you need to call this menu where you’re calling your footer menu.

Submenu items not working anymore

You’re right, this is odd behavior. I’m curious, what would happen if you added an anchor link directly on the ‘On the Block’ page (ie, #play)? Not suggesting this as a solution, just trying to establish whether anchor links will work on the page if not included as part of the navigation.

Twenty-Twenty-Two Child Theme Mega Menu

For the ‘Everything’ submenu, you can target it and then set the width to simply fit the content. nav.wp-container-2 li.wp-block-navigation-item.has-child ul.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container { width: fit-content; } This worked for me on StackBlitz, but you may need greater specificity (MDN) to target the element in your project. Note that you can also flag it as important (MDN) … Read more