How to change language file used by _e function

Actually you need to hook in the ‘locale’ filter to set the language you want: add_filter(‘locale’, function($locale) { return esc_attr($_GET[‘language’]); }); Then in the links of your switch, you need to pass the language variable: <a href=”<?php echo add_query_arg(“language’, ‘xx_XX’) ?>”>XX</a> Where xx_XX is the language locale code for language XX

One of the messages in .po file doesn’t show up

Looks like you may not be able to just add a pair to your .po file, without first adding it to the wordpress.pot file: You’ll also need to compile your .po file into a .mo (Machine Object) file in order for your changes to take effect. I’m not certain that will work, but it … Read more

How to add just one page in Arabic

@toscho is right about the direction of the text… But as someone who builds websites in hebrew all the time i would reccomend you create a custom page template by putting this tag in a copy of page.php /* Template name: arabic page */ THen you can design it differently… maybe remove the sidebar which … Read more