WordPress plugin archive

If the plugins were hosted in the official WordPress SVN repository, you can download old versions directly if they’re available by clicking the ‘developer’ tab on the relevant plugin page. e.g. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress/developers/ (scroll down to ‘other versions’). If the plugins weren’t hosted at WordPress.org, you’ll need to contact the plugin developer directly.

When would it make sense to use Jetpack?

Hi @Grant Palin: I think the decision is your own. As said Automattic is merging its plugins into JetPack and encouraging users with older versions to upgrade. If you want to continue using those plugins you likely will not have a choice but to upgrade to JetPack with the alternate being to switch to other … Read more

Simple rich text editor in Text widget?

I’ve never found one that was reliable and/or not a huge resource/memory drain. 🙁 I ended up using the very handy “Page in Widget” plugin instead – it has the advantage of all the functionality of a regular editable page and your widget content won’t accidentally get wiped, which has happened to me far too … Read more

WP JSON REST API (Ryan McCue) how to query posts with specific meta data with ‘AND’ relation?

Sorry for answering my own question but it may help some other devs too. I created this additional filter ‘json_query_var-meta_query’that returns the necessary arguments. function adjustQrry($data){ $args = array(); $args[‘relation’] = ‘AND’; foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { if ( ‘relation’ === $key ) { $args[‘relation’] = $data[‘relation’]; } if ( substr($key, 0, 3) === ‘key’ … Read more

Plugin to restrict non-admin user to existing tags

If you do not already have your tags created, you can use the “Bulk Add Tags” plugin – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bulk-add-tags/ Then to restrict all users except admins from adding new tags via the “New Post” screen, add this code to your theme’s functions.php file: //Hide Post Page Options from all except Administrator if (!current_user_can(‘administrator’)){ function hide_post_page_options() … Read more

Can I make plugins required?

One way is to use TGM, as Bhupen already mentioned. But if you want to do it in a cleaner, more “wordpressy” way, then you can: 1. Use, but don’t require You can write your theme in such way, that it doesn’t require given plugins, but it uses them if they’re available. Good example of … Read more