Block Root REST API Route using custom &/or iThemes

For all REST API routes, the rest_api_init action hook fires when preparing to serve a REST API request. The request URI ($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]) can be inspected with a regular expression to detect the root (e.g. wp-json) and the route (e.g. /wp/v2/posts) of the request. You can then decide what to return to the client (e.g. WP_Error, … Read more

Can’t save formdata in DB

You must define the checkbox to store array in order to get all the selected values. Change your input name from “data-ids” to “data-ids[]”. <input name=”data_ids[]” value=”<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>” <?= isset($results[get_the_ID()]->data_id) == get_the_ID() ? ‘checked’ : ” ?> type=”checkbox” />

LiteSpeed cache image Optimization

In my experience you can try the following steps: 1. Enable domain validation in the General Settings tab so that it links your domain to the 2. The Auto Request Cron section means that the plugin will automatically submit your images and optimize for you. 3. The error you encountered is because the previous … Read more