Blog not indexed [closed]

Actually your site is indexed all 176 pages. It would probably help your search results if you changed your permalink structure to something other than default. You should also get a yourself a Google Webmaster Tools account so you can see how your site gets indexed and crawled.

Migrating from other CMS to WP – losing SEO juice?

You should use a sitemap module to generate a list of URLs created by XOOPs [e.g. xSitemap]. Then you have to set up your .htaccess to 301 redirect each URL to its corresponding page in the new WordPress instance. Finally, you should consider installing a WordPress plugin like Redirection to check for 404s and redirect … Read more

add post content in meta description in yoast

Here is a safe and Yoast preferred method add_action(‘wp_head’,’add_custom_meta_description_box’); function retrieve_var1_replacement( $var1 ) { global $post; return strip_tags($post->post_content); } function register_my_plugin_extra_replacements() { wpseo_register_var_replacement( ‘%%mycustomdesc%%’, ‘retrieve_var1_replacement’, ‘advanced’, ‘this is a help text for myvar1’ ); } add_action( ‘wpseo_register_extra_replacements’, ‘register_my_plugin_extra_replacements’ ); You can now replace your %%excerpt%% with %%mycustomdesc%%

Does the ‘WordPress Order’ feature, within the WordPress Dashboard, have any impact on site architecture?

Short answer: No, it does not have any impact at all. Longer answer: The ‘Order’ field is a remnant from the early days of WordPress. Its only purpose is to order the pages in the admin for easier content management. Plus, people can use it to display a list of pages in their preferred order, … Read more

Creating 301 Redirects for Post, Page, Category and Image URLs?

Hi @CJN:, Your first question, moving the WordPress directory is handled differently from the rest. Moving WordPress from Subdirectory to Root: Go into /wp-config.php and add the following to defines (using your client’s domain instead of of course): define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘’); define(‘WP_HOME’, WP_SITEURL); 301 Redirects using template_loader and wp_safe_redirect() You can solve most of the … Read more

NoFollow Entire Website

Thought this was a great question so I went digging. In default-filters.php on line 208 there’s add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘noindex’, 1); as of WordPress 4.1. The noindex() function in turn checks to see if you have set blog_public option to 0. If you have, it calls wp_no_robots() which is simply: function wp_no_robots() { echo “<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,follow” … Read more

Adding rel=”next” & rel=”prev” for paginated archives

Try putting this snippet in your functions.php <?php function rel_next_prev(){ global $paged; if ( get_previous_posts_link() ) { ?> <link rel=”prev” href=”<?php echo get_pagenum_link( $paged – 1 ); ?>” /><?php } if ( get_next_posts_link() ) { ?> <link rel=”next” href=”<?php echo get_pagenum_link( $paged +1 ); ?>” /><?php } } add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘rel_next_prev’ ); ?> And if … Read more