get_category_parents to array

The second parameter to get_category_parents() defines whether a link to the category should be created. I’m guessing that it will work if you set it to false.

Hook into all password resets in WordPress and get password before hashing?

Use the password_reset hook. function wpse_password_reset( $user, $new_pass ) { //* Do something useful with $new_pass } add_action( ‘password_reset’, ‘wpse_password_reset’, 10, 2 ); Edited to add after the comment: Looks like the reason I can’t use that is that the plugin uses wp_update_user to set the new password. Is there any way I can intercept … Read more

How can i style “echo apply_filters”

apply_filters just calls any methods hooked to the filter, in this case woocommerce_attribute, and returns the output. You could do a couple of things to style this, here’s one way: $filtered = apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_attribute’, wpautop( wptexturize( implode( ‘, ‘, $values ) ) ), $attribute, $values ); echo ‘<span class=”attribute-‘ . esc_attr( $attribute ) . “>’ … Read more

Styling a specific post after hovering over it

I’m not sure why this question is related to WordPress, but you should be able to accomplish what you’re after with just CSS as demonstrated in the following Codepen. In case something happens to that, the code is copied here. HTML <div class=”wrapper”> <a href=”#”> <article class=”has-featured-image”> <div class=”post-title”>Title</div> <div class=”post-excerpt”>This is an example excerpt. … Read more

custom post type column countdown

Although your question looks more like a generic javascript question than WordPress specific and would probably be better suited for another forum like, I would say the problem in your code is that you’re using id=”countdown” for all the countdown elements. You should use class=”countdown” if you want to use the element multiple times … Read more

Unexpected behavior when trying to manually install WordPress on macOS Sierra

Thanks to Jacob P. for pointing me in the right direction. The fix was simple once I saw that the site was not serving CSS resources. Since my site was indeed using https (and not http), simply changing the following in wp-config.php: define(‘WP_HOME’,’‘); define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’‘); To (note the https): define(‘WP_HOME’,’’); define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’’); solved the problem for me.

Meta Box clears saved field content

I found it, it was actually clearing when inputting apostrophe (‘) which conflicts in database save, to solve I used htmlentities() adn js replace to replace and save apostrophe with apostrophe code. <input onkeyup=”valid(this)” type=”text” name=”faq_2_title” style=”width:100%;” placeholder=”Tab Title” value=”‘. htmlentities($faq_2_title) . ‘”></input></h2> js: function valid(f) { f.value = f.value.replace(/’/g, ‘&#39’); }