Understanding Theme specific Code

do_action(); creates an action hook which we can use to hook our function in function.php file.

in the above code, 4 action hooks are defined


if you go to theme-folder/lib/structure.php you wil see three action hooks.

add_action( 'cherry_footer_before', 'cherry_footer_wrap',    999 );
add_action( 'cherry_footer_after',  'cherry_footer_wrap',      0 );
add_action( 'cherry_footer',        'cherry_footer_load_template' );

and you can see these function on the same file.

function cherry_footer_wrap() {

    if ( ! did_action( 'cherry_footer' ) ) {
        printf( '<footer %s>', cherry_get_attr( 'footer' ) );
    } else {
        echo '</footer>';

function cherry_footer_load_template() {
    get_template_part( 'templates/wrapper-footer', cherry_template_base() );

now you can see in the above function, template part is called. which is inside theme-folder/templates/wrapper-footer.php.