Update/insert only a column of database table

You’re using $wpdb->where() incorrectly.

In your code, $data_array and $data_where are going to be exactly the same, so if we assume that $_POST['getval'] is 1, the resulting query will be:

UPDATE wp_fes_vendors SET requests=1 WHERE requests=1

You see how that doesn’t make sense? It’s setting the requests column to 1 for all rows where requests is already 1. It’s a query that will never actually do anything.

The correct way to use $wpdb->where() is to make sure that $data_array contains the column names, and the new values that you want to set them to, while $data_where should contain columns and values to use to identify which row should be updated.

For example, if I want to set requests to 1 for the vendor with the ID of 5, I need to do this:

$data_array = array(
    'requests' => 1

$data_where = array(
    'id' => 5

$wpdb->update( $table_name, $data_array, $data_where );

The result of that query will be:

UPDATE wp_fes_vendors SET requests=` WHERE id=5

So this means that in your form, you need to POST both the new value of the column, as well as the ID of the vendor that you need to update.