I got this almost working, but refinements are needed to fit the specifics of the question and to deal with Attachments and Post-Types differently (see comments in code)…
First, I think it’s worth noting how I found the filter:
apply_filters( 'views_' . $screen->id, $views )
inspect element
do a global search in
for subsubsub (funny class name, btw)… - and here it is:
foreach( array( 'edit-post', 'edit-page', 'edit-movie', 'upload' ) as $hook )
add_filter( "views_$hook" , 'wpse_30331_custom_view_count', 10, 1);
function wpse_30331_custom_view_count( $views )
global $current_screen;
switch( $current_screen->id )
case 'edit-post':
$views = wpse_30331_manipulate_views( 'post', $views );
case 'edit-page':
$views = wpse_30331_manipulate_views( 'page', $views );
case 'edit-movie':
$views = wpse_30331_manipulate_views( 'movie', $views );
case 'upload':
$views = wpse_30331_manipulate_views( 'attachment', $views );
return $views;
function wpse_30331_manipulate_views( $what, $views )
global $user_ID, $wpdb;
* This is not working for me, 'artist' and 'administrator' are passing this condition (?)
if ( !current_user_can('artist') )
return $views;
* This needs refining, and maybe a better method
* e.g. Attachments have completely different counts
$total = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE (post_status="publish" OR post_status="draft" OR post_status="pending") AND (post_author="$user_ID" AND post_type="$what" ) ");
$publish = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status="publish" AND post_author="$user_ID" AND post_type="$what" ");
$draft = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status="draft" AND post_author="$user_ID" AND post_type="$what" ");
$pending = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status="pending" AND post_author="$user_ID" AND post_type="$what" ");
* Only tested with Posts/Pages
* - there are moments where Draft and Pending shouldn't return any value
$views['all'] = preg_replace( '/\(.+\)/U', '('.$total.')', $views['all'] );
$views['publish'] = preg_replace( '/\(.+\)/U', '('.$publish.')', $views['publish'] );
$views['draft'] = preg_replace( '/\(.+\)/U', '('.$draft.')', $views['draft'] );
$views['pending'] = preg_replace( '/\(.+\)/U', '('.$pending.')', $views['pending'] );
// Debug info
//echo 'Default counts: <pre>'.print_r($views,true).'</pre>';
//echo '<hr><hr>';
//echo 'Query for this screen of this post_type: <b>'.$what.'</b><pre>'.print_r($wp_query,true).'</pre>';
return $views;