Use rich text editor in ‘Edit Media’, for attachment media description

So I must be missing some essential piece that preserves html.

No, your code is OK.

However, I would require the second parameter ($editor_id) and check whether its value is attachment_content which is the editor ID for the media description textarea on the “Edit Media” page. I also wouldn’t add the 'textarea_name' => 'content' part.

once I save my changes, and then go back to edit media and save again,
it converts all the html to encoded html entities

Yes, and it happens because WordPress applies format_to_edit() (see source on Trac) and then format_for_editor() (see source on Trac), and these functions both use htmlspecialchars(), therefore the HTML would be escaped twice.

So for example, <h2> becomes &amp;lt;h2&amp;gt; which in the Text/HTML mode of the editor becomes &lt;h2&gt; and then in the Visual mode appears as <h2>.

So how to fix the issue?

Unfortunately, as of WordPress 5.8, there is no hook for bypassing/disabling the first or second HTML escaping, but you can try the following trick which disables the second escaping by unhooking format_for_editor() from the the_editor_content filter if the current editor ID is attachment_content:

function my_fix_the_editor_content_double_escaping( $content ) {
    remove_filter( 'the_editor_content', 'format_for_editor' );

    // * We're not actually modifying the content, but only adding the above code.
    return $content;

// * Use this instead of the code you have in the question.
add_filter( 'wp_editor_settings', function ( $settings, $editor_id ) {
    // Check if the current page is the "Edit Media" page (at wp-admin/post.php), and if
    // so, we customize the editor settings.
    if ( is_admin() && 'attachment' === get_current_screen()->id &&
        'attachment_content' === $editor_id
    ) {
        // Change only what need to be changed.
        $settings['wpautop']       = true;
        $settings['textarea_rows'] = 10;
        $settings['media_buttons'] = false;
        $settings['tinymce']       = true;

        add_filter( 'the_editor_content', 'my_fix_the_editor_content_double_escaping', 1 );

    return $settings; // Note: ALWAYS return it!
}, 10, 2 );

So I hope that helps and don’t worry, WordPress will automatically re-hook format_for_editor() back onto the_editor_content, therefore no need to manually re-hook it.