Use WP Title instead of custom field to call

You’re passing too many arguments to urlencode.

WordPress provides a couple of useful functions for these situations. add_query_arg is a helper to build a URL with query arguments, and esc_url provide sanitation and validations relevant to encoding URLs.

Also, wp_title will display or return a combination of the page/post title and a seperator, which doesn’t seem to be what you need. I’m assuming you want the page/post title, so I’ve used the get_the_title function and passed it the Global $post variable.

add_action( 'template_redirect', function(){

  if ( ! is_singular( 'post_type_key' ) ) {

  Global $post;
  $default = get_the_title($post);
  $keytitle = get_query_var( 'gotoamazon', $default );
  $args = array(
    '_encoding' => 'UTF8',
    'camp' => '1634',
    'creative' => '19450',
    'field-keywords' => $keytitle,
    'linkCode' => 'ur2',
    'tag' => 'AFFID'
  $link = add_query_arg($args, '' );
  wp_redirect( esc_url( $link ) );