Using GraphQL Plugin with Pods Framework

You can definitely add filters for pods_register_post_type_{your_pod} and pods_register_taxonomy_{your_pod}. I’d love to build in support for GraphQL into Pods itself at some point. Just a matter of adding the checks if GraphQL is available and showing the options in the UI, similar to how we do our REST API options in the UI.

add_filter( 'pods_register_post_type_mycpt', 'add_pods_graphql_support' );
add_filter( 'pods_register_taxonomy_mytax', 'add_pods_graphql_support' );

function add_pods_graphql_support( $options ) {

    $options['show_in_graphql'] = true;
    $options['graphql_single_name'] = $options['labels']['name'];
    $options['graphql_plural_name'] = $options['labels']['singular_name'];

    return $options;
