Video playing from featured image?

It happens that I answered a similar Question.
And adapting it a little bit, some serious magic can happen 😉


  • the CSS is being printed inline. It should go with the theme’s style.css and be adapted accordingly.

  • each Featured Image is encapsulated in a div with id="videocontainer-' . $post_id . '".

  • and a Javascript variable in printed together with each FI containing
    var embedCode_' . $post_id .' = \'' . $iframe .'\';.

  • then, the FI is replaced with the YouTube iframe via Javascript using innerHTML.

  • other notes and credits in the comments.

 * Plugin Name: Featured Image to YouTube Player
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Swaps the Featured Image by a YouTube player (click to load/play). 
   Needs a custom field with a YouTube video ID 'youtube' 
 * Version: 1.0
 * Author: brasofilo
 * Author URI:
 * Licence: GPLv2 or later
 * Notes: 
   Plugin skeleton from Plugin Class Demo (, by toscho. 
   CSS Overlay images (, by Tim K. 
   Extracting image attributes from Html (, by hackre.

    array ( BL_Featured_Youtube_Thumb::get_instance(), 'plugin_setup' )

class BL_Featured_Youtube_Thumb
     * Plugin instance.
     * @see get_instance()
     * @type object
    protected static $instance = NULL;

     * URL to this plugin's directory.
     * @type string
    public $plugin_url="";

     * Path to this plugin's directory.
     * @type string
    public $plugin_path="";

     * Access this plugin’s working instance
     * @wp-hook plugins_loaded
     * @since   2012.09.13
     * @return  object of this class
    public static function get_instance()
        NULL === self::$instance and self::$instance = new self;

        return self::$instance;

     * Used for regular plugin work.
     * @wp-hook plugins_loaded
     * @since   2012.09.10
     * @return  void
    public function plugin_setup()
        $this->plugin_url    = plugins_url( "", __FILE__ );
        $this->plugin_path   = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ );

            array( $this, 'thumbnail_to_youtube' ) , 
            10, 5 
            array( $this, 'print_click_to_play_css' ) 

     * Constructor. Intentionally left empty and public.
     * @see plugin_setup()
     * @since 2012.09.12
    public function __construct() {}

     * Filters post_thumbnail_html
     * If the post contains a Custom Field ('youtube') with a video ID, replacement is done
    public function thumbnail_to_youtube( $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr )
        $yt = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'youtube', true );

        // Post without YT ID, exit earlier
        if( !$yt )
            return $html;

        // Extract info from the html source
        $atts = $this->get_html_img_attributes( $html );

        // Overlay for Featured Image
        // $click_to_play = $this->plugin_url . 'click-to-play.png';
        // $click_to_play = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/click-to-play.png';
        $click_to_play = '';

        // Render final output
        $output = $this->get_featured_yt_thumbnail( $html, $click_to_play, $atts, $post_id, $yt );

        return $output;

     * Print inline CSS in frontend <head>
     * - just for demonstrations purposes, include this in your theme style.css!
    public function print_click_to_play_css()

        a.gallerypic span.zoom-icon{

        a.gallerypic:hover span.zoom-icon{

     * Generate the Html for the Featured Image thumbnail.
     * Prints one javascript line per thumbnail (not sure if the best method)
    private function get_featured_yt_thumbnail( $html, $img, $atts, $post_id, $yt )
        $iframe="<iframe title="" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="" 
                    . $atts['width'] 
                    . '" height="' 
                    . $atts['height'] 
                    . '" src="' 
                    . $yt 
                    . '?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>';

        $return = '
            <div id="videocontainer-' . $post_id . '">
                <a href="" onclick="document.getElementById(\'videocontainer-' . $post_id
         . '\').innerHTML = embedCode_'.$post_id.';" class="gallerypic" title="">
                    <img src="' . $atts['src'] . '" height="' . $atts['height'] . '" width="' . $atts['width'] . '" alt="' . $atts['alt'] . '" class="pic" />
                    <span class="zoom-icon">
                        <img src="' . $img . '" width="160" height="120" alt="Zoom">
            <script type="text/javascript">var embedCode_' 
                    . $post_id 
                    . '  = \''
                    . $iframe 
                    . '\';</script>';

        return $return;

     * Extract image attributes from Html
     * @author hackre
     * @url
    private function get_html_img_attributes( $html )
        $xpath = new DOMXPath( @DOMDocument::loadHTML( $html ) );
        $src = $xpath->evaluate( "string(//img/@src)" );
        $alt = $xpath->evaluate( "string(//img/@alt)" );
        $width = $xpath->evaluate( "string(//img/@width)" );
        $height = $xpath->evaluate( "string(//img/@height)" );
        return array( 
                'src' => $src
            ,   'alt' => $alt
            ,   'width' => $width
            ,   'height' => $height