What is a good naming convention for Unity?

The Unity convention is actually rather simple: everything is Pascal-cased, types (classes, structs, enums) and methods start with upper-case, fields and properties with lower-case. Enum values in upper-case, constants in lower-case (usually). So ClassNameMethodNamemyFieldmyProperty { get; set; }MyEnum.CaseA… that’s it.

As for your example, Transform is a class, whereas transform is an accessor to the instance of Transform in that particular GameObject/Component. Also, Transform doesn’t have a Position property, it has a position property (always lower-case).

This is more or less based on C#’s conventions and the standard .NET library (MS has very precise guidelines about it), except standard .NET uses UpperCase for public/protected methods AND properties, and lower-case for private (again, usually; what’s private is more left to the taste of the coder I think).

As a side-note, with any codebase, in any language, the best way is ALWAYS to follow the existing convention. Every seasoned programmer will tell you this. I understand about OCD, believe me, but in this case I suggest you let it go. There are very little objective arguments as to why a convention would be better than another (by definition a convention is arbitrary), and even if there was, the absolute worse thing you can do is mix several conventions, because then you have 0 convention at all and never know what to expect.

At least C# tries to standardize; I’ve worked on several C++ codebases and I fail to see a common denominator: UpperCaseClassNameslowerCaseClassNamesunderscore_separatedtClassNameENUMS_IN_UPPER, or not… it’s rarely consistent, so the less you mix the better.

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