Why does this javascript search function in the WordPress Admin not work?

Experimenting further I am able to get this to work now and improve it too.

Originally, I had a problem where when I put this function into my js file it would not fire. It would only work if i added it to my functions.php file just below the form.

I figured out that I needed to use a jquery .on statement and now when I start typing in the search field the function is triggered. I also like that I can now have all of the javascript in the js file.

Here is what i ended up with – this wrapped in a jquery document ready function:

function dmtSearchFunction() {


    // Declare variables
    var filter, li, i, dataArray;
    filter = jQuery('#dmt-filter-search').val().toUpperCase();
    li = jQuery("#dmt-choice-list li.choice-item");

        console.log('filter: ' + filter);
        console.log('li: ' + li);
        console.log('li length: ' + li.length);

    var dataArray = new Array();

    for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {

        var dataArray = jQuery(li[i]).data('text');
        if(dataArray.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1){
            jQuery(li[i]).css('display', 'block');
        } else {
            jQuery(li[i]).css('display', 'none');
jQuery( ".filter-dmt-search" ).on( "keyup", "input", dmtSearchFunction );
