Why is a old comment reply comment appearing at end of comment list as well

I think that a good way to get what you are trying to do is to use comment__not_in argument of get_comments() function. Send the IDs of the comments currently being displayed in the Ajax request and use them in the comment__not_in argument. For example, you could send those IDs as comment__not_in[] query var (array format):

$comment_not_in = $_REQUEST['comment__not_in'];
$comments = get_comments( 
                    'post_id'         => $_REQUEST['post_id'],
                    'status'          => 'approve',
                    'order'           => 'ASC',
                    'comment__not_in' =>  $comment_not_in,
                    'number'          => 1000

Also, I recommend to sanitize the data. As IDs are expected to be integer numbers we can do something like this:

$comment_not_in = array_map( 'intval', $_REQUEST['comment__not_in'] );
$comments = get_comments( 
                    'post_id'         => (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'],
                    'status'          => 'approve',
                    'order'           => 'ASC',
                    'comment__not_in' =>  $comment_not_in,
                    'number'          => 1000