woocommerce display product category on checkout page [closed]

The problem is that your code, especially the

global $post;

and then


part is getting the $post_id of the page you are on from the $post global variable, not of the product(s) in your cart, which would be what you are looking for.

Aside from that, the $args parameter of wp_get_post_terms has no argument taxonomy, besides you already defined the taxonomy as second parameter of the function call.


  • I answered this because the problem on hand has nothing to do with the third-party plugin, questions about those are generally off topic, but with understanding how WordPress works.
  • So the woocommerce specific part below does not justify asking off topic questions, but is meant to help someone out anyway.

Getting the ids of the items in your cart can be done somewhat like this:

global $woocommerce;
$cart = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();
$cart_items_ids = array();
foreach ( $cart as $item_key => $item_value ) {
    $cart_items_ids[] = $item_value[ 'data' ]->id;