WordPress Custom Menu Admin helper plugin

Add this to functions.php, or put the CSS into a css file which is loaded in the admin screen. This will let the box become resizable, so you can make it taller and see more pages/checkboxes at once.

function wp191833_resize_menu_list() {
    <style type="text/css">
    #wpwrap .categorydiv div.tabs-panel,
    #wpwrap .customlinkdiv div.tabs-panel,
    #wpwrap .posttypediv div.tabs-panel,
    #wpwrap .taxonomydiv div.tabs-panel,
    #wpwrap .wp-tab-panel {
        resize: vertical;
        max-height: none;
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'wp191833_resize_menu_list' );


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