WordPress Localization and Templating
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- How to provide translations for a WordPress TinyMCE plugin?
- Preparing a string in an array for localization
- Shortcodes, output buffering, and WordPress functions
- Problems with localization
- Multiple textdomains
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- `wp_set_script_translations` with `wp.i18n` does not return translated strings in simple plugin
- How to properly load text domain of custom mu plugin
- Can’t we use strings defined as PHP constants if we want to translate them in a plugin?
- How to update the language used by wordpress from a plugin
- WordPress: After Gutenberg plugin migration to block.json the localization/ translations with PolyGlot in JavaScript does not work anymore
- Singular name Plugin localization
- How to i18n text coming from the db or from an external source
- Should I always prefer esc_attr_e & esc_html_e instead of _e?
- Some strings from a .mo file do not load
- Should shorcodes in i18n plugins be translated and if so, how?
- A better way to include localized labels in WordPress plugins
- How to render a time-of-day string like ’16:42′ with a site’s chosen time format?
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- Generate JSON files for language translation from po file without wp-cli i18n make-json
- Shortcode returning localized HTML part
- load_plugin_textdomain doestn’t work with add_action plugins_loaded
- How to prevent someone from entering strings without making it available for translation?
- I18n not working in plugin
- Mixing l18n string from my plugin with WordPress’ translations
- Plugin language always shows WP site language, not profile language
- Is hint for translator compulsory while internationalizing a string containing variables?
- Do I lose translations when I change my Text domain for my plugin on wp.org?
- Transform internationalized plugin into internationalized mu-plugin?
- Translation not working for Constant strings in Plugin
- How are themes and plugins localized using the gettext GNU framework?
- Save translation file of third party plugin in a custom plugin?
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- $_GET vs get_query_var()
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