I’ve never used wp-clone so i’ll try to help based on what i see. D
id you change the site url and wordpress? When i load your site, css isn’t loading either which generally means you haven’t done that yet.
First make sure that your wp-config that you’ve got the right database.
You need to go into your new database and change the site url and home url to the new address. I suggest not doing this through phpmyadmin though as it will cause some problems.
Go get this tool: https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
Upload it into your www/ folder. (I usually rename the search and replace folder to SRDB.)
now navigate to your site with the SRDB at the end. (www.example.com/SRDB)and the top two lines you’ll see a search field and a replace field. (if you get a db connection error here, double check the wp-config to ensure that it has the right credentials). In the search place your old site address: http://www.iwillbeawebdeveloper.co.uk/blog
in the replace field place your new url http://www.iwillbeawebdeveloper.co.uk/
hit live live run.
ONLY do this after ensuring you’re on your new url and that it’s loaded into your new database.
This should fix your problems!