Add child pages of parent to navbar PHP

I eventually found the fix for anyone who has the same issue:

  * auto_child_page_menu
  * class to add top level page menu items all child pages on the fly
  * @author Ohad Raz <[email protected]>
  class auto_child_page_menu
       * class constructor
       * @author Ohad Raz <[email protected]>
       * @param   array $args 
       * @return  void
      function __construct($args = array()){
       * the magic function that adds the child pages
       * @author Ohad Raz <[email protected]>
       * @param  array $items 
       * @return array 
      function on_the_fly($items) {
          global $post;
          $tmp = array();
          foreach ($items as $key => $i) {
              $tmp[] = $i;
              //if not page move on
              if ($i->object != 'page'){
              $page = get_post($i->object_id);
              //if not parent page move on
              if (!isset($page->post_parent) || $page->post_parent != 0) {
              $children = get_pages( array('child_of' => $i->object_id, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order') );
              foreach ((array)$children as $c) {
                  //set parent menu           
                  $c->menu_item_parent      = $i->ID;
                  $c->object_id             = $c->ID;
                  $c->url                   = get_permalink( $c->ID);
                  $c->title                 = $c->post_title;
                  $c->description           = '';
                  $c->classes               = array('','menu-item','menu-item-type-post_type','menu-item-object-page');
                  $c->xfn                   = '';
                  $c->current               = ($post->ID == $c->ID)? true: false;
                  $c->current_item_ancestor = ($post->ID == $c->post_parent)? true: false; //probbably not right
                  $c->current_item_parent   = ($post->ID == $c->post_parent)? true: false;
                  $tmp[] = $c;

          return $tmp;
  new auto_child_page_menu();