Adding a filter with custom function to the menu / navigation

I’m not sure how you’re settings up your menus but this is probably the most reliable method.

function auto_custom_type_class( $classes, $item ) {
    $type = get_post_type( $item->object_id );
    if( $type == "marke" && has_term( "laden-1", "laden", $item->object_id ) ) {
        $classes []= "laden-1";
    return $classes;
add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', 'auto_custom_type_class', 10, 2 );

The problem with your code is that $item->ID refers the to the navigational items ID instead of the actual post ID which is found at $item->object_id. Using the ID to get the post type is probably more reliable than checking $item->object though you may be able to use that method.