Adding country tags automatically

I’d recommend making use of this API:

You’ll also need a list of countries and country codes. Download that here:

Then, you can do something like this to register all of the countries to your custom post type’s taxonomy. (you only really need to run this code once)

$countries_json = file_get_contents('/countries.json/');

$countries = json_decode($countries_json, true);

foreach ( $countries as $country ) {
    $term = $country->name;
    $taxonomy = YOUR_COUNTRY_TAXONOMY;
    $args = array(slug => $country->country_code);

    wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args);

Now, all of the country names should be appearing under that taxonomy and you can assign whatever country you want to your post cards. So that when your looping through all your posts and rendering content you can check what country is selected by getting the terms using get_the_terms( int|WP_Post $post, string $taxonomy ).

When you have the terms for a post. You can render the country flag like this:

<img src="<?php echo $term->code; ?>.png" />