Alternative to rb-internal-links to implement [intlink tag?

Linking to post regardless of permalink settings can always be accomplished by linking directly to a post ID query; i.e. instead of /category/recipe/chicken-piccata, link to /index.php?p=1234.

If you’d like to resolve the URL via shortcode prior to creating the link, replicating the functionality of the original plugin should be simple enough – just take in an ID, look up the post’s permalink, and return it in an anchor element:

function wpse407943_post_link_shortcode( $atts = [], $content="" ) {
  if( !isset( $atts['id'] ) )
    return '';

  $permalink = get_permalink( $atts['id'] );

  if( !$permalink )
    return '';

  $title = get_the_title( $atts['id'] );

  if( !$content )
    $content = $title;

  return '<a href="' . $permalink . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $content . '</a>';

add_shortcode( 'intlink', 'wpse407943_post_link_shortcode' );

It’s worth a mention that permalink settings changing with any frequency will damage SEO, and also that this sort of solution comes with overhead – any post linked in this fashion will be retrieved from the database on each load of the respective pages.

I’m not sure why the original plugin might have required the post type as an input, unless it was shortcutting get_permalink() as an optimization to avoid a database hit. If you intend to make heavy use of such a shortcode, it may be worth investigating further.