The short answer is no. If you have a look at terms, taxonomies and categories, all of them is stores in the database in the wp_terms
Every one of these are assigned a numerical value that is unique to that term/category/taxonomy. This don’t just apply to “objects” added to wp_terms
, but to anything added to a specific table in the db. So nothing added to a specific table will ever have the same ID
These ID’s are assigned according to the “object’s” place in the specific table, in numerical order. So if the last item in that specific table is number 16, the next item that is added will be number 17, hence ID 17 will be assigned to that “object”. The next “object” added will then automatically be ID 18 and so forth
So, to conclude, ID’s are assigned to their place in a table, and not according to their relation to another “object”
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