Checking if a Page has an Associated Term?

Hi @NetConstructor:

First thing, assuming your logic worked you can use the ternary operator to simplify your example:

<li id="kids-<?php echo is_term('Kids','age_groups') 
   ? 'on' : 'off'; ?>">Kids Programs</li>

The issue seems to be that is_term() is used to check if a term exists, not if it is associated with a particular post. I think what you really want is is_object_in_term() (which assumes that you are in The Loop, i.e. that $post has an appropriate value):

<li id="kids-<?php echo is_object_in_term($post->ID,'age_groups','Kids') 
   ? 'on' : 'off'; ?>">Kids Programs</li>

P.S. Assuming is_term() had been the right function, it has actually been deprecated; term_exists() replaces is_term(); just fyi.