Authentication for a mobile app connected via wp-rest api?

I’m not an expert of mobile apps, but as far as I know cookies don’t play well with mobile apps.

I’m working on a similar project (Angular Frontend – WordPress Backend).
Outh is by far the most secure way to go, but it’s rather complicated.
I’m using the wp-api-jwt-auth plugin instead.

If you configure it properly it works quite well.

As an example I share my angular code for user login:

// auth.service.ts

logIn(username: string, password: string, persist?: boolean): Observable<boolean>
    persist = persist || false;
        API_BASE_DOMAIN + API_BASE_PATH + '/jwt-auth/v1/token',
        { username: username, password: password, remember: persist },
            withCredentials: true, // Send cookies
    ).map(response  => {
        // login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
        if (response.token)
            // set current user data
            this.currentUser = response;

            // store username and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshes
            let storage = (persist) ? localStorage : sessionStorage;
            storage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify(this.currentUser));

            // return true to indicate successful login
            return true;
            // return false to indicate failed login
            return false;
    error => {
        return false;

On the frontend I use auth0/jwt-auth to handle proper headers/token injection.

Hope this helps

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