Authentication for wordpress website


*All these tips are for a self-hosted blog. Not sure if they are relevant to a blog

  1. Don’t forget to include /wp-admin after your sites name in the URL box. This may seem like a no brainer but I was not putting this in at first. 🙂 eg.

  2. XML-RPC functionality is turned off by default in WordPress smaller WordPress 3.5. Enable remote blogging in your wordpress setttings by going to:
    Settings -> Writing -> Now make sure the box is checked next to XML-RPC

    With WordPress 3.5 is the XML_RPC Surface active only default; only deactivation with

    add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' );

  3. At this point you will want to add you username and password. Yet again, here is something I was doing wrong. I was adding my password to my website, the one that I use to add new themes or plugins. You need to be adding your username and password that you set up for your wordpress login, which may be different.

  4. Finally, I was getting the error “Unable to locate XMLRPC endpoint”. To solve this you may need to do some digging, but most should be able to follow this example. When you enable XML-RPC in your WordPress control panel, it adds a xmlrpc.php file to the directory of your website. You need to enter the URL for this file next to the XMLRPC. For most users, the location of this file should be in your root directory. So, you should be entering the following: If that is not working, login to your site with an FTP client and try to manually locate the xmlrpc.php file, and note the location, so you can enter the URL.

  5. At this point, you should be good to go.

  6. One more thing, most sites should make sure that HTTP authentication is set to OFF.

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