You can handle the wp_taxonomies
object during init
action. Then you can change the default labels for the categories and posts tags.
function wpse292282_rename_default_taxonomies() {
global $wp_taxonomies;
// Update datas for Category
$labels = &$wp_taxonomies['category']->labels;
$labels->add_new = 'Add Sector';
$labels->add_new_item = 'Add Sector';
$labels->edit_item = 'Edit Sector';
$labels->new_item = 'Sector';
$labels->view_item = 'View Sector';
$labels->search_items="Search Sectors";
$labels->not_found = 'No Sectors found';
$labels->not_found_in_trash="No Sectors found in Trash";
$labels->all_items="All Sectors";
// Update datas for Tags
$labels = &$wp_taxonomies['post_tag']->labels;
$labels->add_new = 'Add Technology';
$labels->add_new_item = 'Add Technology';
$labels->edit_item = 'Edit Technology';
$labels->new_item = 'Technology';
$labels->view_item = 'View Technology';
$labels->search_items="Search Technologies";
$labels->not_found = 'No Technologies found';
$labels->not_found_in_trash="No Technologies found in Trash";
$labels->all_items="All Technologies";
add_action( 'init', 'wpse292282_rename_default_taxonomies' );