Checkbox onclick filtering on the same page

Try this script:

But before that, the form‘s method should remain as GET. And in the form markup/HTML, remove the onchange="this.form.submit()" from all the checkbox fields. Then add a standard submit button to the form; example:

<input type="submit" value="Go" />

[EDIT] The submit button is not necessary. I’ve updated the script so that when selecting a filter (i.e. “checking” a checkbox), the AJAX request is fired automatically.

Next, make sure to assign a unique ID to the posts/result div or container. For this example, the ID is my-unique-ID. (This container must not include the filter form.)

Now here’s the script:

jQuery( function( $ ){
    function ajaxFilter() {
        var $form = $( 'form#filter' );

        // Disable the submit button and then remove its focus.
        $form.find( ':submit' ).prop( 'disabled', true ).blur();

        // Make sure to change my-unique-ID to the correct value.
        $( '#my-unique-ID' ).load(
            $form.attr( 'action' ) + ' #my-unique-ID',
                // Enable the submit button once AJAX is complete.
                $form.find( ':submit' ).prop( 'disabled', false );

    // Run the AJAX request upon submitting the form.
    $( 'form#filter' ).on( 'submit', function( e ){

    } );

    // Run the AJAX request upon selecting a filter; i.e. "checking" a checkbox.
    $( ':checkbox', 'form#filter' ).on( 'change', function(){
    } );
} );

You can add the script after the posts/result container, or before the closing </body> tag, or somewhere else that you think is appropriate (which means jQuery must have already been loaded).

Hope that helps, and just let me know if you need further assistance.