Checking if the data already exsis in the wp database – custom plugin

You can improve your code a lot. I’ll treat the email address as the student’s unique identification, since I can definitely have 2 students named ‘John Doe’.

global $wpdb;
$tablename = $wpdb->prefix."students";

    $name = esc_attr($_POST['firstname']);
    $surname = esc_attr($_POST['lastname']);
    $email = sanitize_email($_POST['email']);

    if(!is_email($email)) {
        //Display invalid email error and exit
       echo '<div class="error"><p>Invalid e-mail!</p></div>';
       //return or exit

    //Checking to see if the user email already exists
    $datum = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE students_email="".$email.""");

    //Print the $datum object to see how the count is stored in it.
    //I'm assuming the key is 'count'

    if($wpdb->num_rows > 0) {
        //Display duplicate entry error message and exit
        <div class="wrap">
            <div class="error"><p>Student exsist!</p></div> <!-- wp class error for error notices --->
        //return or exit

    //Now since the email is unique and valid, lets go ahead and enter it
    //assigning the new data to the table rows
    $newdata = array(
        'students_date'=>current_time( 'mysql' ),
    //inserting a record to the database
    //displaying the success message when student is added
    <div class="wrap">
        <div class="updated"><p>Student added!</p></div>
<?php }

I have avoided a lot of unnecessary conditions and loops. Try this. Use some JavaScript to clear your form when a successful entry is made.

I have used get_results in accordance with the query you had posted. Now you have to use $wpdb->num_rows to count the number of results in the condition.
