Error message on blog posts only on my local environment [closed]

The warning is regarding the following part of your code: __( ).

In WP __ is actually a function for translation purposes.

From a short look in the manual, we can see that the __() function usage is:

<?php $translated_text = __( $text, $domain ); ?>

And that the $text parameter is required.

$text (string) (required) Text to translate. Default: None $domain

(string) (optional) Domain to retrieve the translated text. Default:

In your code, you don’t send any argument to that function and therefore you’re getting a legit warning. To be honest, I don’t know why there was no argument in the first place. Moreover, also your remote server should show that warning. In case it doesn’t – or the code is different or you have error_reporting(0) somewhere on the server (php.ini / wp-config.php).

A simple solution would be just to add an empty string as an argument.