Conditional category & tag statement

I think your problem lies in is_category(). This conditional check if you are on a category page, not if a post belongs to a category.

To check if a post belongs to a category, you should be using has_category

So your conditional statement should be

<?php if (has_category('Legal Libation Columns') && has_tag('Legal Libation Columns')): ?> 


Thanks to @Nilambar, there is a syntax error as well in your code as he said

Here are some tips

  • Don’t use : and endif. If makes code difficult to read and it is not code editor friendly. Rather use curly brackets {}

  • When developing themes and plugings, or just make changes to a site, set debug to true. Such errors is easy recognizable with debug set to true. Please take the time and read Debugging in WordPress

  • Always indent your code properly to make it easier to read and follow