CPT category hierarchy

If you’re trying to create a hierarchal structure with regards to custom post types you’ll need to register a custom taxonomy on a more abstract version of your desired post type.

For example instead of naming your custom post type cars name it vehicle. You could then a register a hierarchical taxonomy with register_taxonomy(). In custom_post_type() you’d call register_taxonomy() as follows:

function custom_post_type() {
   // ... update labels to be more 'vehicle' friendly

   $args = [
     // ...
     'taxonomies' => [ 'vehicle_type' ] // name of the new taxonomy you'll be creating
     // ...

   register_post_type( 'vehicle', $args );

   $taxonomy_labels = [
     // ... entries here are very similar to labels for `register_post_type`

   $taxonomy_args = [
     'labels'       => $taxonomy_labels,
     'hierarchical' => TRUE // gives taxonomy a "category" like structure

   register_taxonomy( 'vehicle_type', $taxonomy_args );

add_action( 'init', 'custom_post_type', 0 );

NOTE: The name passed into register_taxonomy() MUST be the same as the entry in the taxonomies array in the args array for the registered post type() call for vehicle.

For more information on register_taxonomy see here.

Hope this helps.