Customizer: Output default value in Customizer CSS

To have a default value for get_theme_mod() you can pass it as the 2nd argument, like this:

$mod = get_theme_mod( 'header_textcolor', '#000000' );

That will output #000000 if there isn’t a value saved for header_textcolor.

Since your get_theme_mod() call is getting the setting from another function, generate_css(), you will need to update that function to also send a default:

public static function generate_css( $selector, $style, $mod_name, $default, $prefix='', $postfix='', $echo=true ) {
    $return = '';
    $mod = get_theme_mod( $mod_name, $default );

I’ve added it after $mod_name in that example.

Then you would update your header_output() function to include default values:

public static function header_output() {
  <!--Customizer CSS--> 
  <style type="text/css">
       <?php self::generate_css('#site-title a', 'color', 'header_textcolor', '#000000', '#'); ?> 
       <?php self::generate_css('body', 'background-color', 'background_color', '#FFFFFF', '#'); ?> 
       <?php self::generate_css('a', 'color', 'link_textcolor', '#0000FF' ); ?>
  <!--/Customizer CSS-->

Now there are default values for those colours.

I think it’s worth pointing out though, that your code will not output any CSS if the theme mod doesn’t have a value. This means that the default styles will come from your stylesheet. So I’m not sure having defaults here is necessary.