Database tables for sports betting integrated in WordPress

This can be achieved by creating a custom post type called for example, sports_picks

Custom Post Types can also be extended with the use of Custom Fields and Custom MetaBoxes which means you’re not limited to using Title and Description input fields only, but instead you’re able to create a Post Type that meets your exact requirements as shown in your provided links.

While there are plugins that can help you with Custom Post Types and Custom Fields (i.e. Advanced Custom Fields Plugin) I prefer to advocate the developmental, hands on approach.

Here are some links to resources to help you get started;

  • Custom Post Types – LINK
  • Custom MetaBoxes – LINK
  • Custom MetaBox Helper Class LINK
  • Another Custom MetaBox Helper Class LINK

As an example, to create a custom post type called sports_picks you would put something like this into your functions.php file;

add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );
function create_post_type() {
    register_post_type( 'sports_picks',
            'labels' => array(
                'name' => __( 'Sports Picks' ),
                'singular_name' => __( 'Sports Pick' )
        'public' => true,
        'has_archive' => true,

Note: This is a basic custom post type template, in-fact taken directly from the WordPress codex located HERE and custom post types accept many more customizable parameters than those simply listed above – but that will get you rolling along with the supplied links above.

Once you have your custom post type created you will want to go about creating some Custom MetaBoxes so you can accept more input fields and types that closely match your niche of sports betting.

If all of this is too daunting for you (i.e. you have no coding experience and don’t wish to venture down this path) then you can opt for a total plugin solution. Running a search on Google or directly within the WordPress plugin repository will give you a good deal of resources/plugins to use for setting up and controlling your custom post types and for custom fields I would suggest using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. There are other plugins that handle Custom Fields too however so don’t feel that you have to use ACF, it’s just commonly suggested for people looking for a plugin of that type.

If you experience any difficulties with adding the code snippets above or within the links provided to your themes functions.php file – do post back describing your issue and I’ll provide some more help where applicable.