Error in G * t(hat) : non-conformable arrays

The length of the test_groups vector is 4 while the number of rows of subset is 5.
Below I set to 5 the number of rows of subset and the adonis command works nicely.

subset <- matrix(c(0,0.000666667,0.001333333,0.000333333,0.000333333,0.019833333,0.007666667,0.014666667,0.0005,0.022833333,0.016833333,0.018166667,0.000666667,0.009666667,0.008833333,0.009166667,0.001333333,0.018666667,0.0295,0.031833333),ncol=5)
test_groups <- c(1,1,2,2)     

Here is the result.

'nperm' >= set of all permutations: complete enumeration.
Set of permutations < 'minperm'. Generating entire set.

adonis(formula = subset ~ test_groups) 

Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 23

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

            Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model      R2 Pr(>F)
test_groups  1   0.22804 0.22804  1.0592 0.34624 0.3333
Residuals    2   0.43059 0.21530         0.65376       
Total        3   0.65864                 1.00000

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