Escape post image attachments added to template

Running the output through escaping function should be just fine.
You can either use wp_kses_post(), which by default allows the same html attributes that you would use in the post content (see in codex):

echo wp_kses_post( wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id ) ); 

or if you want to be more precise and strict, you can pass an array with allowed attributes for that particular context, like so:

echo wp_kses( wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id ), [
    'img' => [
        'src'      => true,
        'srcset'   => true,
        'sizes'    => true,
        'class'    => true,
        'id'       => true,
        'width'    => true,
        'height'   => true,
        'alt'      => true,
        'align'    => true,
] );

It’s up to you to decide what is allowed, just change the array contents to adjust to your needs!