IMG src weird behaviour inside a single post loop

the_post_thumbnail function display the post thumbnail i.e. <img> tag. You don’t need to use <img> tag when using this function.

Try this code:

<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

<article class="post">
     <h2 class="postTitle"><?PHP the_title(); ?></h2>
     <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'predefImageSize', ['class' => 'singleMainImg', 'title' => 'Feature image'] ); ?>
     <p class="postinfo">Created on <?php the_time('F j, Y ')?>  at  <?php the_time('g:i a') ?>. <?php echo getPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?></p>
     <?php the_content(); ?>

<?php setPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>

<?php endwhile;

else: echo '<p> No Content</p>';   endif;


Modified Code:

<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'predefImageSize', ['class' => 'singleMainImg', 'title' => 'Feature Image'] ); ?>

Using the array’s keys and values to populate different attributes.
You can use this to add classes to the post thumbnail.

Source: the_post_thumbnail documentation at