Get shortcode from the content and display it in other place (in sidebar, for example)

You can look to the code WordPress uses for parsing Shortcodes to get some ideas about how to do this. There are a couple of helpful core functions to simplify things.

// our callback function to check for the shortcode.
// this is where you'd put code to set a flag for rendering the shortcode elsewhere
// the complete tag is in $tag[0], which can be passed to do_shortcode later
function wpd_check_shortcode( $tag ){
    if( 'content_block' == $tag[2] ){
        // convert string of attributes to array of key=>val pairs
        $attributes = shortcode_parse_atts( $tag[3] );
        if( array_key_exists( 'position', $attributes )
            && 'top' == $attributes['position'] ){
                // move shortcode to sidebar here
                // return empty to strip shortcode
                return '';
    // return any non-matching shortcodes
    return $tag[0];

// source text with shortcode
$text="lorem ipsum [content_block]";

// this generates a regex pattern for all registered shortcodes
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex();

// process all shortcodes through our callback function
$text = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/s", 'wpd_check_shortcode', $text );

// modified $text with shortcode removed
echo $text;