Giving a new page an existing URL

The process to do this isn’t probably as complex as you think.

  1. Leave the existing page exactly as-is. Don’t change its slug etc.
  2. Create a new page draft
  3. Create the new page content as you’d like it to have.
  4. Once the new page is complete, and ready to go, go back to the original page and change its slug to anything else. (see below gif #1)
  5. Go to the new page, and set its slug to the original page slug (that you changed in step #4)
  6. Publish the new page.

enter image description here

If you no longer want to keep the old page, change its status to draft, and/or delete it (so it doesn’t show up in your sitemap).

If you want to keep the old page, decide on the slug you’d like to have and update it as necessary.