Routing ‘fake’ sub sub posts

You will need to whitelist a new query_var:

function add_query_vars($aVars) {
    $aVars[] = "subpage"; // represents the name of the product category as shown in the URL
    return $aVars;

// hook add_query_vars function into query_vars
add_filter('query_vars', 'add_query_vars');

You will need then need a rewrite rule to match your URL and pass in the correct query variables:


Finally on your pages template, you’ll want to look for that query var, e.g.

if( !empty(get_query_var('subpage') )){ 
    // do subpage stuff
    $subpage = get_query_var('subpage');
    // process above value
} else { 
    // not on subpage, do normal page stuff 

Flush permalinks and you’re good to go.

You should probably make good use of get_template_part, how you store the subpage data is up to you, post meta might work, just remember that it won’t be searchable by default but there are other questions that can answer that problem