If you still want to use SO-type backtick markup for styling your inline code examples, I’ve created some code that will accomplish it. To make it into your own plug-in, just add the code below to your functions.php. It calls the wordpress filter “the_content” to apply the transformation to the content when it is displayed, thereby keeping any transformations from becoming stored in the database.
function style_my_inline($content){
//what you use to denote your code
$inline_marker = "`";
//regex for code
$pattern = "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/".$inline_marker."[\w\D\d]+?".$inline_marker."https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/";
//what you want your surrounding markup to be
$prepend_tag = "<span class = \"code\">";
$append_tag = "</span>";
//for each occurance in preg match results...
foreach($matches as $match){
//remove inline marker from match text
$match_without_inline_marker = str_replace($inline_marker,'',$match[$i]);
//add surrounding markup to match
$match_with_tags = $prepend_tag.$match_without_inline_marker.$append_tag;
//replace match in original content with marked-up match
$content = str_replace($match[$i],$match_with_tags,$content);
return $content;
Now, I tested the code above with some dummy text and used backticks to define code blocks like so:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, `consectetur adipiscing elit`. Donec nec magna erat. `Aenean nisi ante`, semper vel imperdiet sed, laoreet.
Then applied the following css:
<style type = "text/css">
And what I get looks like this:
Hope this works for you.