How can I define a custom template for woocommerce [products] shortcode? [closed]

Open your theme’s function.php and add following

add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_products_loop', 'roka_before_products_shortcode_loop', 1, 10 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_after_products_loop', 'roka_after_products_shortcode_loop', 0, 10 );

function roka_before_products_shortcode_loop( $atts ) {
    $GLOBALS[ 'roka_woocommerce_loop_template' ] =
        ( isset( $atts[ 'class' ] ) ? $atts[ 'class' ] : '' );

function roka_after_products_shortcode_loop( $atts ) {
    $GLOBALS[ 'roka_woocommerce_loop_template' ] = '';

Then override the file content-product.php by copying it to your theme’s woocommerce folder.

find the line <li <?php post_class(); ?>> and add following after that:

        isset( $GLOBALS[ 'roka_woocommerce_loop_template' ] ) &&
        $GLOBALS[ 'roka_woocommerce_loop_template' ] == 'simple-list'
    ) {
        echo '<a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>';

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