How can I deprecate an old version of my custom Gutenberg block, but keep the new version?

The mistake I made was that I didn’t set the attribute property in the deprecated block to the proper value. I have to assign the expected attributes here, just as I did in block.json. If the attributes changed, I’d put the old attributes here. Since they did not change, I used the current value of attributes from block.json.

My fixed index.js file:

 * Registers a new block provided a unique name and an object defining its behavior.
 * @see
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';

 * Lets webpack process CSS, SASS or SCSS files referenced in JavaScript files.
 * All files containing `style` keyword are bundled together. The code used
 * gets applied both to the front of your site and to the editor.
 * @see
import './style.scss';

 * Internal dependencies
import Edit from './edit';
import save from './save';
import metadata from './block.json';

 * Every block starts by registering a new block type definition.
 * @see
registerBlockType(, {
     * @see ./edit.js
    edit: Edit,

     * @see ./save.js
    deprecated: [
            attributes: metadata.attributes,

            save( props ) {
                return (
                        <h3>{ props.attributes.morecontent }</h3>
} );