How can I manage my multiple wordpress websites from main website?

Your question is a little unclear, and arguably several questions in one, and arguably overly broad and unanswerable in this format, but this sounds like exactly the kind of circumstance that Multisite was not meant for (Emphasis Mine):

The sites in a multisite network are separate, very like the separate
blogs at They are not interconnected like things in
other kinds of networks (even though plugins can create various kinds
of interconnections between the sites). If you plan on creating sites
that are strongly interconnected, that share data, or share users,
then a multisite network might not be the best solution.

There are ways to access data from one site such as discussed in this question, and quite a few others on this site, but you are really looking at converting the network into something it was not meant to be, and that will be a lot of work.

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