How can I output the custom fields wrapping with HTML

There are many things in your code, I don’t know why you implemented like that. In my view the corrected code should be:

if ( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'the_link', true ) != '' ) : ?>
    <span class="the_one field1">
        <a href="<?php echo esc_attr(get_post_meta( $post->ID,"the_link', true )); ?>">
            <b data-icon="info" class="inner-content"><?php echo _e( 'Content', 'theme-text-domain' ); ?></b>

Rather than any ACF command, I’d like to go with WordPress default code get_post_meta(), and it’s a fine one. I found some syntax error, where you started a span class without a double quote. _e() is a translation parameter that demands a theme text domain, NOT a post_id.

<?php _e( 'my text', 'text-domain' ); ?>

It’s just a simple string thing. So you can leave it there and can embrace it with any kind of HTML outside the PHP.

And another conceptual thing is:
ACF is just a nice plugin to let the user do nice things with Custom Fields. But in core Custom Fields are all same, whether by plugin or core codes. They are the Post Meta. So whether checking they exists or not, or echoing them is always same as WordPress do, and it’s the get_post_meta().